The fight against AIDS

de Monica Steffen (auteur)

Maison d'édition : PUG
Collection : Hors collection
janvier 1997
format 135 x 220 160 pages En stock
28,80 €


Public :

Résumé : Why do countries succeded differently in fighting Aids ? Even in countries with a similar level of social and economic development, the extension and profile of the epidemic vary considerably, as illustrated by the cases of Britain, France, Germany and Italy.

The author relates the diffenreces in policy content and efficient to the national characteristics of the organisation of the health sector and the ways public policies are elaborated and implemented in each country. Aids is often considered as a specific issue. this book proposes a view of Aids policies as dependent variables. the comparative analysis shows the selection process the general principles of Aids policies undergo when they are translated into public policies operating within a national context. The capacity to enhance efficient action in the public / private overlap and to coordinate risk reduction strategies in separate fields such as sexual behaviour, blood transfusion systems and drug abuse depends in each country on basic features of the political culture and of the policy system. innovations and reforms introduced as a consequence of Aids management are frequent, but either the follow the path of former innovation trends or they respond to prevouis shortcomming in public health management officially recognised through the shock of Aids.

The highlighter function constitutes the specific interest of Aids research for Social Sciences. The latter in turn contribute to a better understanding of prevention and policy problems by those who are in charge of resolving them.



Caractéristiques techniques

Editeur : PUG

Auteur(s) : Monica Steffen

Collection : Hors collection

Publication : 1 janvier 1997

Edition : 1ère édition

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Format (en mm) Livre papier : 135 x 220

Poids (en grammes) : 245

Nombre de pages Livre papier : 160

Langue(s) : Français

EAN13 Livre papier : 9782706107221

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